Monday, July 25, 2016

Mr. Matisse and this Wonderful Book!

Mr. Matisse and His Cut Outs
Annemarie van Haeringen

Mr. Matisse is a painter with "the sun in his tummy." His colors make everyone happy. But one day he becomes ill and has to have a major operation. When he wakes up in a white hospital room, he misses his colors. 'Bring my brushes! Bring my paint!' But the sheets are not smooth and taut like canvas. And the walls and ceiling are too far away. What will he do now?
Learn more at goodreads

I put together an artist study unit last year for kindergarten and first grade. It was very difficult to find artist books that were informative, fun and inspiring. This would have been amazing to have back then. 
This book focuses on the artist Matisse and tell a wonderful story in a manner that will keep kids and adults entertained. The e book copy has issues with formatting (like most picture books in ebook format) but it was still coherent and fun. I loved this and I will be grabbing the physical copy when it comes out and recommending it to my local library! 

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