Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Girl from the Sea

The Girl from the Sea
Shalini Boland
Washed up on the beach, she can’t remember who she is. She can’t even remember her name. Turns out, she has an idyllic life – friends and family eager to fill in the blanks. But why are they lying to her? What don’t they want her to remember?

Learn more at goodreads

Wow...I just finished this book. Seriously...only about 10 minutes ago. I am still trying to formulate how I feel about his one. There is so much that I loved and a few things that I wanted to know more about. here it is. This was really good. REALLY good. I was hooked from the very beginning. This was the perfect blend of mysterious and creepy. A little over halfway through, I began to get cocky because I thought I had figured it all out but I had only figured out part of what was really going on. I do think that there are a few characters that seem murky and some side plot events that are ambiguous but I overall I enjoyed this book.

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