Monday, July 25, 2016

This did not unfold well.

Jonathan Friesen

Jonah wishes he could get the girl, but he’s an outcast and she’s the most perfect girl he knows. And their futures seemed destined to fork apart: Jonah’s physical condition is debilitating, and epileptic seizures fill his life with frustration. Whereas Stormi is seemingly carefree, and navigates life by sensing things before they happen.

Learn more at goodreads

I rarely do not finish a book. I hate not finishing a makes me 

I always try to tough it out until the end but this one I just couldn't and that suuuuuuuuucks. I mean look at that cover! It screams "I'M GONNA BE GOOOOOOD!" 

The first flaw for was the ebook format on kindle. The breaks were distracting and it was hard to see where different thoughts were divided but that can be fixed so I continue on.

My main complaint with this book was was very very very slow. So slow that my interest just couldn't get nudged enough to care about the characters or the story line. 
The other issue I had was with the conversations. They were stiff! The words just didn't flow naturally and that was annoying. I found myself saying the dialogue aloud to myself to try and get the emotional feelings but it didn't work. 

This book has potential. It has the bones to be a great book but it needs some work...well a lot of work to get there. 

So only made it 45% through...with a big fat DNF :( 

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